PGD 200 Pros ultra tynde design giver maksimal fingerfærdighed, fuld dækning inklusiv knoerne og med touch funktion på tommelfingeren, så du kan bruge den på touch skærme.
Almindelige snitsikre handsker er ofte tykke og ikke særligt ergonomiske. Det snitsikre PE materiale er så tyndt, at man kan mærke alt man rører ved.
PGD 200 Pro er snitikker til level 5 efter Europæiske standard EN 388:2016. Det er den højeste snitsikre niveau.
PGD 200 Pro er designet i Danmark af fageksperter, for at sikre at handsken sidder tæt og pænt til hånden uden at gå på kompromis med sikkerheden. Handsken er ergonomisk designet, så den har let ved at give sig og du ikke mærker at den er beskyttet med snitiskkert PE materiale på hele håndfladen.
På knoerne har PGD 200 Pro et tykt lag plastik. Det er usynligt fordi det er dækket af slidstærkt Schoeller® Keprotec®. Samtidig er der lagt en blødt lag skum bagved knoerne, som tager slaget. Slå bare hånden ind i en mur. Dine knoer er beskyttet.
Ergonomisk håndflade med Schoeller®
Vores unikke ”Feeling Touch” Teknologi, giver en bedre føling.
Touch-screen materiale på tommel.
Forstærket plastik kno med Schoeller® Keprotec®,
Lavet i slidstærkt snitsikker PE.
Unikt lædermønster på håndflade, som beskytter og giver et stærkere greb.
Snitsikker til nivaeu 5 efter EN 388:2016
Elastisk velkro lukning.
PGD 200 Pro er testet efter følgende standarder:
UNE-EN 388:2016
Snitsikker til niveau 5
UNE-EN 388:2016
Puncture Resistent level 3
Abrasion Resistent level 3
Tear Resistance level 4
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Kommentarer 3
My favourites
Anmeldt af Yrjö Seppä
Great and good fitting gloves. My new favourites :-)
Across the Pond
Anmeldt af Jeremiah Smith
My confidence has been surrendered to a foreign power :) .. Quality and Integrity is how Id describe Protection Group Danmark. The vest I received exceeded my expectations. The sizing chart is spot-on and the material contours perfectly to my body. My chest simply looks slightly bigger and I can conceal it with a thin Patagonia hoody undershirt and a solid t-shirt underneath (This just happens to be what I wear). Im a social worker in a high-risk environment not law enforcement so personal protection can be perceived as both offensive and alarming to those I seek to assist. You just never know. Bought gloves as well. My suggestion imagine ordering them a size small and then order them a size smaller than that. You want them to fit super tight and work into them. (Like a pair of leather roping gloves). Keeping in mind the material being used may be hard to work with. The thumbs just didnt work for me so I cut them off. DPG offered me a discount with no hesitation eventhough it was long after the 30 day guarantee that I bothered to mention it. What more can you ask of a person than that they stand behind their words. I wear my vest daily as I walk home after midnight through neighborhoods that people are being shot in weekly. Just last night a person was shot in the hip at 12:51am near my bus stop here in Seattle,WA USA. People are quitting left and right because of the violence. I depend on my vest and so do the 300 plus men that depend upon me to be there for them. When you put on a vest youre in a partnership between you and the manufacturer. Do you trust your partner, I trust mine..
Nice Product from Danish Store
Anmeldt af Fano
Nice Product from Danish Store